Friday, September 28, 2012

Writing Recommendations

Writing is an important skill we work on in first grade. Here are some ideas about what we do here at school to help students improve their writing skills. You might find some ideas that you can do at home too!

Providing time for students to write...
  • morning journal time
  • writers workshop
  • writing prompts
  • reading response notebooks
Teaching students the writing process...
  • brainstorming
  • writing drafts
  • revising and editing
  • publishing
Writing for a variety of purposes/audiences...
  • write letters to family members and friends
  • make lists
  • write a paragraph to explain
  • write a story to remember or imagine
Teach Students to become fluent with handwriting, spelling, sentence fluency and word processing...
  • tracing modeled writing
  • hold a pencil correctly
  • sight word/star word memorization
  • student dictionaries
  • typing writing on the computer
Create an engaged community of writers...
  • teacher modeled writing
  • sharing
  • choices in writing
  • feedback from other students, teacher and parents
  • publish writing and share it beyond the classroom.

Math-tens and ones

This week we have been working on knowing our tens and ones. We have been focusing on 11 - 19. Students should be able to read these numerals as well as count a ten stick and group of ones for each number. This will be a continued focus for next week as well. Take a couple minutes this weekend and see how your student is doing with this focus.
Here's a link to a worksheet to help out.
Tens and ones worksheet

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Skip Counting

One of the skills our first graders need to have is skip counting. We'll be working on skip counting to 120 by 10's, by 5's and by 2's. Please help your student practice this skill. It's great for in the car, waiting somewhere and other times you need a quick activity.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Volunteering and background checks

I sent home notices to anyone who had signed up to volunteer. If you find you have time and would like to join us please let me know! All volunteers must have a background check done before working in the classroom. It usually takes 2 to 3 weeks for a form to be processed. If you think you will be joining us for field trips or any volunteering in the classroom, please fill out a form soon! I can send them home if needed. Volunteers are cleared for 5 years. If it's been a while since you filled out your form, it might be time to do it again. Check with me and I can see when your current clearance expires.
Thank you for all that you do to help support our classroom.


On October 5th from 9:55 to 10:20  our class will be our running for the jog-a-thon. This year our PTC is supplying a t-shirt for each child. Thank you to all the businesses that sponsored our jog-a-thon! Please dress your child for the weather that day. It's been cool in the morning! Your student most likely will not need a coat since we spend that entire time moving! Come out and join us for the fun and music!
Thank you also for all that you are doing to collect pledges. We have a big goal this year!

Strategies for Parenting a Reader

Strategies for Parenting a Reader
Here are important reading strategies students can use before, during and after reading:
BEFORE Reading:
§ Predict what the book is about from the title or pictures. 
§ Set a purpose for reading.  Ex.  I am going to read this book because I want to learn more about animals.
§ Take a picture walk through the book.  Ask, What is happening in the pictures?
§ Establish a Routine: Similar to discipline, play time, and any other daily activity in a child’s life, reading should be a fun routine that engages a child each day.
DURING Reading:
§ Ask your child questions to monitor comprehension. As children learn to read, they are not only engaging in the plot of a story, but they are also learning how a book is held, how pictures align with the story and that words carry meaning.
§ If your reader is having a difficult time try these strategies:
o        Use finger to point under each word to keep track of where you are reading
o        Use beginning sounds to figure out words        
o        Use ending sounds to figure out words
o        Use pictures on the page to help figure out a word
o        Use word chunks (_at, _ack, _ight)
o        Look for a smaller word within the word
o        Read to the end of the sentence.  Sometimes the word that
makes sense pops right up!
o        Make a prediction of what is happening in the story
o        Reread the sentence or passage to increase understanding
§ While reading ask: "Does it make sense?" "Does it sound right?" "Do the letters match the sounds?" If the answers are yes, go on reading.  If not, go back and try the process again.
§ Read books over and over again so your child feels confident in reading the story by them self!
§ Most importantly, when reading with your child remain positive and encouraging. Your support and optimism plays an integral role in your student’s willingness become a lifelong reader.
AFTER Reading:
§ React to the reading by making connections, ask: “What other story is like this one?” “Have you felt the same away as a character in the story?”  “Did something similar happen to you?” “Does it help you think about something in real life not directly connected to you?”   
§ Summarize & talk about the sequence of events in the story to boost comprehension skills.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I just wanted to say THANK YOU to all the families that did take home projects this year. It was a huge help and I am getting all that organized for the fall!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Matthew Myers Visit

We had the privilege of illustrator Matthew Myers visiting our pod on Thursday. He illustrated Clink by Kelly DiPucchio and Tyrannosaurus Dad by Liz Rosenberg. His website is
Here are some pictures from his visit.

Forest Ridge Clean Up Day

Here are some pictures from our time working outside.

Come check out the Naturescape and see the difference!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Note home on 9-13

Busy Thursday!!
Due to a very busy Thursday,
Thursday folders will be sent home on Friday!
Tomorrow is Forest Ridge Clean Up Day. We’ll be working in the Naturescape 1:30 to 2:00. If you would like to join us for the fun please come! Have your student dress in their “grubbies” so nice school clothes do not get ruined. I have gloves for the class but if your student would like to bring their own, they are more than welcome.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Nature Kids 2012

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Falcon Clean Up Day

Friday is our school wide Clean Up Day. We'll be working in the Naturescape 1:30 to 2:00. Please dress your student for working in the garden and come join us for the fun!

Monday, September 10, 2012


September's goal is 15 minutes or more daily.

Welcome 2012-2013 School Year!

Wow!! What a first week of school!
I hope you all received the Buzzzzzz from last week and it helped you get an idea of what we did last week.
A couple things we are working on in class this week are:

Student Created Book
On the _______ day of first grade my students gave to me _________  _________________.  This is a sentence frame we are using to write our first class book. It's based on the book On the First Day of Grade School by Emily Brenner. It follow the structure of On the First Day of Christmas but is centered around a teacher, her students, and various animals. Be sure to ask your student about this project.

Reading Assessment
I am working on assess all students in the next couple weeks. I usually get 2 to 3 kids reading to me and sometimes it can take a couple days to get a correct level on a student. I want the students to trust me and feel comfortable using what they know. This can take more than one sessions. I will be sending home levels in RAH folders.

This week I am taking a look at a few math skills like skip counting, coin identification, and seeing what addition and subtractions skills are in place.

Nervous about Work
It is common for kids to be really nervous about their work and reluctant to show what they know. It is my goal for students to know they should do the best they can and that mistakes help Mrs. White. We have been talking today about these two ideas often. If you student feels nervous about work in class, talk with them about doing the best they can and how Mrs. White uses mistakes to help her see what to teach.

Have a wonderful week!