All About First Grade in B-5
Welcome to B5! Here is some more information for you regarding our classroom and its schedule.
P.E. and Music
Your child will be attending P.E. class 3 days each week: MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY. Students need to wear shoes and clothing appropriate for P.E. participation.
Your child will be attending Music class 3 days each week: MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY/
We will have one scheduled library checkout time per week on THURSDAY. Please make sure that your child returns his/her book on WEDNESDAY TO THE LIBRARY, as that is the policy of the library.
Daily all students will bring home a “Read At Home” log.. These are due the following day.
Other work that will be coming home depends on what is going on in the classroom. Please return any homework by the following Wednesday.
Occasionally, other homework or “special projects” will be assigned. The due dates for these assignments will be indicated.
Remember that all volunteers need to have a completed criminal background check on file with the office BEFORE volunteering. This will apply to chaperoning field trips later in the year as well. The background check takes several weeks to process so please fill one out as soon as possible. If you are not sure you have one filled out or it has been a while, send me an email and I can check for you.
Students may use the restroom any time during the day except during instruction/teaching time. Students will however, need to check out one at a time. Exceptions will always be made for emergencies.
Students are allowed to get a drink at any time during the day as long as it is not during an instruction/teaching time.
As you know we can only use pre-packaged food/drinks for class parties, etc… so I would like to collect money from each family to go towards purchasing food, games, paper products and prizes for class parties.
If every family could donate $7.00 to the class party fund we could more than cover the cost to offer several fun parties including: Book Character, Winter Celebration, Valentines Party and a few others. Any money left over will go to the big “End of the Year Party”. These parties are a special time for the kids to celebrate the various seasons of the year and have a little fun too!
Parents are welcome to help celebrate their child’s birthday by bringing treats to school. Please email, call, or send a note with your child ahead of time, if you plan to do so. Birthday celebrations are generally held a half hour before dismissal (3:00 pm). However, donuts are a fun morning birthday treat if that works better for you.
Recess/Lunch is at 11:20. Families are more than welcome to come and have lunch with their student. Guest will be sitting at the classroom tables due to the number of classes having lunch.
We need volunteers for the Jog-a-thon in October. If you are interested please let us know! Thinks!
Let’s have a wonderful year!
You can reach me at:
503-399-5548 or email