Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Websites that kids use

I was hoping to spend part of conference setting up the links to various websites that the kids use here in class. I am still going to work on it, but I wanted to make sure they made it up today so I listing them here.

Tumble Books: ebooks for kids
Username Salemkeizer     Password:Salem
This website is open to all Salem Keizer students

BBC Bitesize
This is from the United Kingdom so they do speak British English and the money is set in pounds, but it has great reading and math games.

Scholastic Family Playground
This has sites with stories and games based on characters from books and TV shows.

Read Write Think
Hopefully this will show a list of first grade activities. We use ABC match, Construct a Word, Picture Match, Word Family Sort and Word Wizard.

This site is full of different activities, books, games, videos that all connect to reading. Lots of fun!

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

November/December Skills

Write numbers to 100
Count by 5’s to 100
Count by 10’s to 120
Identify name and value of penny, nickel and dime
Count small collection of coins
Addition and subtraction fact families to 10

Writing multiple sentences on a topic with a beginning, middle and    
Spell high frequency words correctly
Proper use of upper and lower case letters
Spaces between words
Neat handwriting
Reads own writing

Knows vowel sounds
Blend and segment words
Can change a letter to make a new word (cat becomes rat becomes
Hears syllables
Reads 20 minutes daily
When figuring out unknown words, uses chunking or blending to
help decode the word
Retells a story in sequential order (First, Next, Then, Finally)

Classroom Skills:
Quiet voice in the classroom
Following directions
Staying on task and completing work

Monday, November 07, 2011

November Already?

My goodness where does the time go?!?!?
As we head into the busy holiday season, we also head into a busy academic season. We've started a new trimester and new skills to be learned! Some things to keep in mind:

  • New skill lists will be coming home this Thursday. We combined November and Decembers lists to make things easier.
  •  October writing journals will be sent home at the conference with homework for the Thanksgiving break. 
  • Your child is more than welcome to come to the conference. They are often a big help at conference time.
  • Class Party Funds-I am still accepting donations of $7.00 towards our class party fund. This pays for all supplies, food and activities that take place through out the year.
  • I'll be sending details regarding the Winter party home soon. I ask that you keep the details to yourself do that they are a surprise to the class. I'll be needing volunteers starting at 1:30 until the end of the day on Dec. 16. 
  • If you are interested in teaching the class as part of our family unit, please don't forget to let me know!
Have a great day!