As we head into the busy holiday season, we also head into a busy academic season. We've started a new trimester and new skills to be learned! Some things to keep in mind:
- New skill lists will be coming home this Thursday. We combined November and Decembers lists to make things easier.
- October writing journals will be sent home at the conference with homework for the Thanksgiving break.
- Your child is more than welcome to come to the conference. They are often a big help at conference time.
- Class Party Funds-I am still accepting donations of $7.00 towards our class party fund. This pays for all supplies, food and activities that take place through out the year.
- I'll be sending details regarding the Winter party home soon. I ask that you keep the details to yourself do that they are a surprise to the class. I'll be needing volunteers starting at 1:30 until the end of the day on Dec. 16.
- If you are interested in teaching the class as part of our family unit, please don't forget to let me know!
Have a great day!