- Daily reading for 20 minutes-try to make some of the time reading out loud to practice fluency
- Retelling a story-after finishing a book, practice retelling the story. Focus on beginning, middle, end and characters
- Neatness and legibility
- Using mostly phonetic (written like it sounds) spelling- vowels may still continue to be the tricky part!
- Uses mostly lowercase letters
- Spaces between words
- Writes 6 or more sentences (may not have punctuation) on a topic
- Addition with sums to 10 fluently-without fingers or counters
- Addition with sums to 20
- Counting to 120 by 1’s, 5’s and 10’s
- Subtracting with numbers less than 10 fluently
- Subtracting with numbers less than 20
- Recognizing coins (names and values) for penny, nickel, dime and quarter
- Counting small collection of coins with penny, nickel and dime
- Take an addition equation and make a subtraction equation
- Beginning to understand tens and ones
Looking Ahead:
1. Addition
sums to 20 fluently
2. Subtraction
facts from 20 fluently
3. Reading
fluently with a detailed retell
4. Writing
10 or more sentences with phonetic and conventional spelling, correct use of
punctuation and letter case. As well legible by others.