Thursday, January 05, 2012

January Skills

  1. Daily reading for 20 minutes-try to make some of the time reading out loud to practice fluency
  2. Retelling a story-after finishing a book, practice retelling the story. Focus on beginning, middle, end and characters

  1. Neatness and legibility
  2. Using mostly phonetic (written like it sounds) spelling- vowels may still continue to be the tricky part!
  3. Uses mostly lowercase letters
  4. Spaces between words
  5. Writes 6 or more sentences (may not have punctuation) on a topic

  1. Addition with sums to 10 fluently-without fingers or counters
  2. Addition with sums to 20
  3. Counting to 120 by 1’s, 5’s and 10’s
  4. Subtracting with numbers less than 10 fluently
  5. Subtracting with numbers less than 20
  6. Recognizing coins (names and values) for penny, nickel, dime and quarter
  7. Counting small collection of coins with penny, nickel and dime
  8. Take an addition equation and make a subtraction equation
  9. Beginning to understand tens and ones

Looking Ahead:
1.      Addition sums to 20 fluently
2.      Subtraction facts from 20 fluently
3.      Reading fluently with a detailed retell
4.      Writing 10 or more sentences with phonetic and conventional spelling, correct use of punctuation and letter case. As well legible by others.