EARTH WEEK – April 15 – 22nd
Forest Ridge Elementary – Premier Oregon
Green School
will celebrate our 8 “R’s”
We hope classrooms and families will join in by
participating in the following opportunities:
REDUCE waste
in the first place:
- Water
conservation – Come see “Kids Care About Conservation” slide show
presented by A-3 and win a Kids Care Kit!
- Energy
conservation – Visit energyhog.org – children and families enjoy a game
format while becoming educated about many ways you can conserve energy at home.
– Thursday, April 19th
Students/classrooms will attempt to add NOTHING to our waste
- Sustainable
Classroom Audit – HOPE Team members will distribute and collect audit
forms that help students and teachers monitor energy, water and materials waste
in classrooms.
– NatureConservancy.org (FREE )
- carbonfootfrint.com (FREE )
Forest Ridge HOPE Team
for those interested in offsetting carbon emissions.
REUSE items
again and again instead of choosing throw away disposables.
- Bring your best metal containers and celebrate with others
that choose to reuse instead of buying plastic water bottles. Win a “Metal vs.
Plastic” - Help Our Planet Earth metal reusable container.
- Pack a 100% Reusable Lunch and win a SLURPEE!
- Re-purpose items that you would otherwise throw away.
Clean your closets and take usable items to Goodwill or a thrift store.
- Compost or vermi-compost (worm bin) your fruits,
vegetables, grains, coffee grounds/filters.
- Take Sally White’s “BUILD A WORM TOWER” class after school
(date t.b.a.)
- Review what is expected curbside and other options in
- Become a Master Recycler – Google Marion
County Public Works
Master Recycler
- Recycle your crayons, glue sticks and Capri Suns – take
them to A-3/ A-Pod drawers
- Be an EARTH FRIENDLY SHOPPER! Buy LOCAL! Purchase items/packaging made from
post-consumer recycled content of at least 30%.
RENEW (- able resources)
- Choose renewable GREEN energy options where possible.
Power companies offer purchase of green energy (hydro, wind) vs. coal produced
energy that is harmful to our atmosphere and to our environment during
- Check out C-4’s SOLAR PANEL PROJECT! Learn how to install solar panels!
Don’t throw it away –
fix it! Directions for repairing 1000’s of items are a click away. Or find local repair shops to repair/rebuild.
If the repair / fix is still not acceptable, consider donating the item to the
appropriate company. (You can donate your vehicle to Friends of Straub
Environmental Learning Center or OPB)
DO NOT choose
companies, organizations and service providers that employ wasteful or
practices harmful to natural resources, water, land or air.
CHOOSE earth friendly INSTEAD.
- Let your voice make
a difference. Communicate with those
that are earth friendly and those that are NOT. Fill out feed/back suggestion
forms at establishments that you frequent.
- Write a letter directly to the business you support or
wish to see changes made. Support legislation by writing legislators directly
or signing petitions.
- Students in
classrooms may have a class discussion about consumerism and how this will
affect their future. They may choose to write a persuasive classroom REACT letter that has AUTHENTIC PURPOSE.