First letter, last letter
Even though this is an easy game for younger and older kids to play, "First letter, last letter" is a fun way to teach children to think fast. The first person starts by saying any word, and then the next person has to come up with a word that starts with the last letter of the previous player’s word.
For example:
Player 1: "Rat"
Player 2: "Time"
Player 3: "Egg"
Extra challenge: Clap your hands on a regular beat. Players must say the word on the beat, otherwise they’re out. You can increase the clap tempo as players get eliminated, so that the final two will have to fire words back and forth lightning fast.
I found this game at the above site. I thought it would be a fun family activity. You could also do this withing rhyming words, word families, blends, digraphs...what ever level works best for your family.