Thursday, March 07, 2013

Leprechaun Traps

It’s time to use your imagination
to catch a leprechaun!  On the back
are instructions on how to build a
trap.  Be creative!  Since we are
beginning a unit on simple machines,
we would like you to use some of
them in your creation.  The six simple
machines are:  wheels, levers, screws,
wedges, incline planes and pulleys. 
To catch that trick leprechaun,
make a trap using reused items
from around your house.  Have fun! 
Be creative!  Be clever!
They are too!!!

Friday, March 18

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Telling Time- time to 1/2 hour

Wow! The kids are doing great with telling time. They time to hour down but need to keep practicing time to half hour. The biggest speed bump tends to be the fact that the hour had moves between the two hours. Keep practicing that it's the hour that the hand came from.

Naturescape work day!

We'd like to work on weeding the Naturescape this Thursday am. Come out and join us for a fun morning of getting the weeds while they are little!
Also kids need to dress to get dirty!