Wednesday, November 09, 2011

November/December Skills

Write numbers to 100
Count by 5’s to 100
Count by 10’s to 120
Identify name and value of penny, nickel and dime
Count small collection of coins
Addition and subtraction fact families to 10

Writing multiple sentences on a topic with a beginning, middle and    
Spell high frequency words correctly
Proper use of upper and lower case letters
Spaces between words
Neat handwriting
Reads own writing

Knows vowel sounds
Blend and segment words
Can change a letter to make a new word (cat becomes rat becomes
Hears syllables
Reads 20 minutes daily
When figuring out unknown words, uses chunking or blending to
help decode the word
Retells a story in sequential order (First, Next, Then, Finally)

Classroom Skills:
Quiet voice in the classroom
Following directions
Staying on task and completing work