Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Buzz in B5!

Thank You!
For all the valentine’s boxes being made, valentines filled out, permission slips returned and speech practice! I know it was a busy two weeks and your help was greatly appreciated!

Heifer Project
If you plan on donating to the Heifer Project can you please send in your donation by Friday? We are hoping to have a final count by Monday. Thank you for your donations.

Field Trips
We are currently scheduling a spring field trip to the Willamette Art Center as well as Down By the Riverside. If you are interested in being a chaperone, please make sure you have filled out a background check. These take several weeks to process so now is a good time to do it.

Thank you for working on this at home. We are working hard in the classroom on legibility and I am starting to see results!