Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Down By The Riverside Volunteer Information

THANK YOU “Down by the Riverside” 1st – 4th Grade Chaperones!!
May 18, 2012

The “DBR” experience is a bit different than the typical field trip in that you will not GET to ride the bus.

If you would like to check in with the classroom, to get your group list and nametag please arrive at the school at 8:45.  We will check in and then we ask that you drive/carpool if possible Willamette Mission State Park, A2, A3, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, C3(3rd graders), to Mission Lake B Shelter.  C1, C3(4th Graders), C4, C5, C6 to the 2nd Crosswalk.  Please arrive at 9:15 to get further directions for service projects.   If you cannot come to the classroom first, please let me know and you may go directly to the park and we will meet you there. Coffee will be provided at this location (thanks to StarbucksJ). Your assistance is crucial to our success.

Travel North on Wheatland Road. Take the first park entrance on the left (just past the split rail fence). Come down through the park and meet at the Cottonwood crosswalk or Mission Lake B Shelter area. NO PARKING TICKET REQUIRED.

Please come equipped with your lunch, gloves and a bag or backpack to carry (if you have) an old sheet, towels, plastic tarp or blanket to sit on (in case we are on the grass during lunch), and lots of energy! J Cameras are MOST welcome! After the students arrive after 9:45, please help them with gloves and begin supervising the projects.

Schedule for the day:
10:00-11:15: Service Projects
11:15-11:45: Lunch 1st & 4th will eat at Mission A, 2nd & 3rd will eat at Mission B

During lunch, please take students to bathroom and make sure they wash hands. PLEASE ENCOURAGE KIDS TO PROPERLY RECYCLE their disposable lunches when they are finished.  We will need to collect it and bring it back to school.

12:00- 12:55(1st/2nd) Learning Projects begin promptly at 12:00. Please be in place and ready for our professionals to begin.

12:00- 1:20(3rd/4th) Learning Projects begin promptly at 12:00. Please be in place and ready for our professionals to begin.

1:00 (1st/2nd) Bus pick up and depart from Loop B

1:25 (3rd/4th) Bus pick up and depart from Loop B

I have maps for you also! I'll send those home tomorrow!